You lost credibility

We are experiencing the betrayal of feminist goals that have done so much for the dignity of women. The historic struggles for equality and justice, the denunciations of attacks and perpetrations, the ideals enunciated were shattered by the thunderous silence after the femicide orgy by terrorist Hamas on October 7. The same women who pointed out the oppression of patriarchal society remained silent in the face of such barbarism. The same women who gloated over their progressive militancy, their egalitarian morality and their yearning for dignity, decked themselves with the flags of patriarchal dictatorships and femicide terrorism and silenced their voices in the face of the Israeli victims.There was no empathy with them. Their ideological opposition to Israel took precedence over their feminist ideals. Jewish women are for them more Israeli than women, they are not equal to others, they do not deserve to be defended. What is incredible, contradictory and even bizarre is that the same women who did not sympathize with the Israelis merrily support countries where women lack the same rights they claim to advocate.They betrayed feminism and also each of the women they claim to represent. They betrayed their principles and their struggles. They betrayed the brave suffragettes, Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, and every single woman beaten or murdered. They betrayed themselves. They broke up the collective and lost the authority to speak on behalf of "women." The Jewish ones, raped, mutilated, tortured, murdered and exhibited as trophies, do not belong in the universe of feminism. As shown by the view of Nazism towards Jews, Israeli women are less women, or sub-women, they do not have the same rights nor deserve the same struggles and demands. From the river to the sea evokes the road to Auschwitz. Non of the feminist groups empathized. Neither #metoo nor the defenders of LGTBIQ+ rights nor the so-called progressive left, nor #blacklivesmatter. All these ideologues, thought policemen and patrons of morality are blind and deaf when it comes to Jews, they decollectivized the feminist collective pretending that what happened did not happen. Some utter a timid and cowardly "yes, it was terrible but...", and others, the ones that bought the Manichean, simplistic and false narrative of Israel-oppressor/Palestinian-oppressed defend the terrorists and raise Palestinian flags calling for the demise of the State of Israel as if the principles of freedom and justice they claim to uphold do not contradict those held by the terrorists.

Feminist movements made it clear that no woman's behavior justifies violence or attack, even if the perpetrator hides behind it to claim innocence. Not a short skirt or a baleful look, the fault is not the victims. Unless they are Israeli. That is why I no longer believe them. #Idon’tbelievethem anymore when they claim to change patriarchal society so that women have equal rights. Jewish women are not allowed there. We are more Jewish than women even though our pains are alike.

We must fight alone as we learnt during centuries of patriarchy and antisemitism.

Feminists, shut up from now on! Look for other cases that give sense to your lives! You do not fight for universal rights anymore! Your silence is an accomplice of the worst things you supposedly fight for. You have murdered feminism. 
