Si prohibo decirlo, desaparecerá - If prohibited, it will disappear

Siguiendo el camino marcado por  el parlamento polaco, declaro y ordeno que está

Prohibido hablar de la muerte
Prohibido decir cáncer o sida o parkinson o cuadriplejía
Prohibidos los resultados médicos desfavorables
Prohibidos los resfríos, las diarreas y constipaciones
Prohibidos los embarazos sorpresivos y las erecciones fallidas
Prohibidos los juramentos de amor o las confesiones de traición
Prohibido decir diablo, bruja, ogro, genocidas y dictador
Prohibido lluvia, tormenta, granizo, helada, inundación
Prohibido terremoto, tsunami, volcán en erupción
Prohibido siquiera susurrar pis, caca, moco, pedo
Quiero prohibir todo lo que no me gusta
Y cuando esté prohibido, desaparecerá.


English translation:

Just like the Polish Parliament, I am declaring and ordering as follows:

I order the prohibition of everything I dislike.

It is prohibited to speak of death
It is prohibited to say cancer or AIDS or Parkinson's or quadriplegic
It is prohibited to have negative medical results
It is prohibited to have colds, diarrhea or constipation
It is prohibited to have unwanted pregnancies or erectile dysfunction
It is prohibited to lie when saying I love you
It is prohibited to say devil, witch, ogre, genocide and dictator
It is prohibited to have rain, storms, hail, ice, floods
It is prohibited to have earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions
It is prohibited to even whisper pee, poop, booger, fart

And when it is prohibited, it will simply disappear.

(Thanks Natasha Zaretzky for the translation)

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